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Agri Operation

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VRD Best Foods Pvt Ltd

The company has a strong Agri Team for the implementation and execution of Contract Farming Operation. The company sources all its raw materials directly with over 1000's of small and marginal farmers through contract farming model. Through the contract farming model, the company directly issues all Agri inputs like Seeds, Fertilizers and Chemicals and monitors cultivation as per EU and USFDA standard. Under this model the company enters into an Agreement with every farmer and the price for the supply is prefixed. When the crop is harvested, it is weighed and collected by the company at the farm gate. The payment for the supply after adjusting farm inputs is paid directly to the farmer's Bank account.
The company also follows Responsible Farming practices, educate farmers and implements best farming practices. The company assists farmers financially and encourages farmers to take up Drip, Mulching and Fertigation for three times higher the yield, compared to regular furrow irrigation. On a social drive to save the environment the company issues 1000nds of tree saplings to farmers and encourage them for tree cultivation.